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Wigmore Stream Water Quality

TCDC has agreed to provide Hahei Residents and Ratepayers Association with water quality test results from the Wigmore Estuary on a  regular basis.

Here is a copy of the agreement, HRRA TCDC Water Testing MOU

Samples are taken monthly except over the busy holiday season when they are taken weekly.

They are taken from the estuary of the Wigmore Stream as shown here.

As agreed in the above Agreement, samples are taken as described in the Wastewater Treatment Plant Resource Consent. This states that “samples to be collected within the period 1 hour either side of local low tide during daylight hours.”

You can download the Wastewater Treatment Plant Resource Consent here. Hahei WWTP Consent renew2030

Sampling Location

Hahei Beach Wigmore Stream Sample Point

Clearing Wigmore Stream Blockage

It is the responsibility of TCDC and Veolia (who is the TCDC Water/Wastewater contractor), to open up the Wigmore Stream when required.

If you see the stream is blocked, ANYONE can file a Request for Service with TCDC by either:

It will be actioned by an earthmoving contractor, such as Donovan’s after Thames-Coromandel District Council/Veolia authorizes them.

Donovan’s, or any other earthmoving contractor, cannot be engaged to clear the stream by members of the community or community groups.

A summary of the most recent results of these tests is shown below

You can download a full set of results by clicking on the image.

All levels are reported as cfu/100 ml

To set these results in perspective, the Ministry of Environment provides guidelines for Recreational Fresh Water. These guidelines state that the maximum levels for E Coli   is 550 cfu/100ml and Entrococci is 280 cfu/100ml. As you can see, the water quality in the Wigmore frequently exceeds the maximum level. High levels normally occur during and after rainfall when stormwater washes organic material into the stream.

Our recommendation is to avoid swimming in the Wigmore Stream, particularly when it is raining and for a day or so afterwards

For detailed information on guidelines for recreational water quality in Seawater and Fresh Water, see NZ Ministry of Environment Guidelines here. Microbiological Quality Jun03. Go to table E2 in this publication.

Here is a summary of the recommendations.

Lab Test Results can be viewed by clicking here.

Waikato Regional Council Coastal Recreational Water Quality Monitoring Programme.

Waikato Regional Council (WRC) monitors beaches in the Coromandel. Click here to see the latest information. 

When reviewing WRC data however, note that only seawater from beaches is sampled. We think it is important to also monitor streams that flow into the ocean as many children like to play in the stream estuaries.