TCDC Response to our LTP 2019 – 2029 Submissions

On your behalf, we submitted two submissions to the draft Long Term Plan (LTP); one representing Hot Water Beach, Hahei and Mercury Bay South (Cooks Beach) Resident and Ratepayers Associations, and one focused on on Hahei issues. To read our submissions, click here. We also made a combined presentation to Council. You can read our presentation here.

TCDC staff have reviewed our submission and delivered their recommendations to a special TCDC Council meeting. You can download TCDC staff’s recommendations by clicking here

However, to save you time, here is a summary of TCDC’s staff recommendations.

Responses to Combined Hot Water Beach/Hahei/Mercury Bay South Submission

Upgrade Dalmeny Corner Road and Bridge

  • Funding to cover the cost of studies that will lead to a community supported long term solution. The engineering study should address flooding, drainage of nearby properties, bridge design options and prepare budget costs
  • Discuss options with NZTA
  • Install vehicle counting equipment to measure vehicle flows from 1 December to 30 April every year.
  • Include estimated cost of bridge and road upgrade in year 3 of the LTP. Since there have already been several engineering studies, we expect TCDC will be able to estimate the budget costs easily.
  • Staff considered the first 3 bullet points on the submission and recommended an investigation takes place.
  • Approved a budget of $50,000 investigation into Dalmeny’s Corner.
  • We look forward to seeing results of investigation and construction of new bridge soon.

Cathedral Coast Walk Project

  • Put all work on the Walk on hold and reassess project viability during the development of the Walk to the 2021 – 31 Long Term Plan
  • Proceed with the planned upgrade of Lees Road paid from District Transport
  • Allocate surplus funds to Upgrade Newtons Bridge and Dalmeny Corner Flood mitigation
  • Stop the RMA Consent process associated with the Walk.

Was not reviewed as Walk had been approved in annual budget

TCDC leadership have publicly stated that the Walk is on hold until Hahei’s infrastructure is upgraded. We continue to work with TCDC to deliver on their promise.

Control Freedom Camping and Compliance Enforcement

  • Change Rules in District Plan to allow additional freedom camper numbers on rural properties, providing their neighbours agree.
  • Appoint a TCDC Enforcement traffic officer to be based in South Mercury Bay over the busy summer months.
  • Appoint residents to assist the TCDC Enforcement officer based in our area.
  • Freedom Camping – Do not initiate a review of the Freedom Camping Bylaw 2014 or rules on freedom camping in the Proposed District Plan until there is greater clarity on what changes to the national freedom camping regulatory framework may be
  • Compliance Enforcement – rejects recommendation. Our recommendation was for additional enforcement during busy holiday season, but staff misleadingly state that the annual cost of one additional compliance staff would be $115,000 per year or $5 per ratepayer. We only need additional compliance for 3 months maximum, $30,000, $1.25/ratepayer. We recommend fewer compliance officers for the rest of the year reducing the overall compliance budget.  TCDC calculations also ignores additional revenues that better enforcement would generate
  • Appoint Residents to Assist in Compliance – ignored

We will continue to develop options to alleviate chronic Freedom Camping problem. We watch national developments with great interest

Provide Green Waste Transfer Station

  • Include cost of a study to examine green waste transfer options for South Mercury Bay area.
  • Budget CAPEX cost of $200,000 to be spent in year-2 of the LTP
  • Consider inviting private sector waste management organisations to provide the services required
  • Investigate the costs and logistics of providing a green waste service in Mercury Bay South in 2018/19.
  • Additional budget for this investigation is proposed in below under Solid Waste Investigation

Monitor TCDC actions

Managing Local Tourist Infrastructure – Financial Reporting

  • Commitment from TCDC to implement a tourism management plan aimed at maximising user pays tourist income by empowering local communities to implement the principles set out in the Revenue Policy paper
  • Bring our infrastructure up to date through borrowings (Internal?) and funded from future revenue streams
  • A statement that Council will support local communities in the development of tourism business plans and invest in tourist infrastructure, supported by future revenue streams
  • Noted but no action reccomended

Monitor TCDC actions

Mercury Bay Operational Expenditure 2018 to 2021

  • Increase library grants to $3,900 pa
  • Increase the litter and sanitary service to twice daily during the peak period and long weekends in the Hot Water Beach, Hahei, Cooks Beach and Ferry Landing areas.
  • Noted but no action reccomended
  • Kept at current level with adjustment for inflation. Inflated level not quantified.
  • Public convenience cleaning to be 4 times per day from 23 December to 7 February each year for the following facilities:
    • Hot Water Main Beach
    • Hot Water Beach Bull Paddock
    • Hahei Visitor car park
    • Hahei Grange Road
    • Hahei Beachfront
    • Hahei Central reserve
    • Whangapoua (Mangakahia Reserve)

Support for Surf Life Saving

  • Allocate to Hot Water Beach Lifeguards, $20,000 per year from revenues generated at the Hot Water Beach Car Parks.
  • Waikato Regional Council responsible for funding life saving. No funding from TCDC

Make sure Waikato Regional Council provides funding

Responses to Hahei Submission

Hahei Tourism and Traffic Management

Expand Village Car Park to 500+ Capacity

The Village entrance car park is the most important component of the Hahei traffic management plan. It must be ‘Fit for purpose’ and provide:

  • A safe environment to accommodate the peak demand of at least 500 vehicles
  • Facilities to manage the daily 1,200 to 1,500 people utilising the return bus service and who traverse the village on foot.
  • Provide rest and recreation facilities such picnic tables, tourist information, space for Hahei tour operators to collect their clients

We request that the LTP 2019/20 funding of $172,000 for the Hahei Village Car park extension be re-allocated to 2018/19, along with any funding that may be needed to complete the car park.

All that is required is that the redundant overflow wastewater treatment pond, adjacent to the sealed area of the Hahei Visitor car park, is made available as a peak parking area by December 2018 at the latest – levelled, compacted, grassed.

Complete Stage 2 of Hahei Traffic Management Plan

We request that TCDC undertake stage 2 of the Traffic Management plan which includes the parking control of Hahei Beach Road and surrounds. This will generate the parking revenue we require. The draft LTP specifies $190,000 allocated to the Hahei Beach car park and landscaping in 2020/21. We request this is brought forward into 2018/19

Complete Construction of Hahei Visitor Car Park.

A number of minor works are required to complete the construction Visitor Car Park and bring it up to standard. It must provide a great experience for visitors entering Hahei.

Hahei Village Tourist Management Upgrades

See submission for details

Ignored our recommendation.

  • Council supports expansion of the Village Car Park.
  • Supports the concept of the development of a Walkable Village concept.

Development of a Walking Village

  • Funding in 2018/19 for qualified adviser to develop the Walking Village Concept. We recommend budget of $50,000 in first year of LTP, 2018/19.
  • Funding to implement in Walking Village concept in Hahei. We recommend including $600,000 every year of the first 3 years of the LPT, i.e. from 2019 to 2022.
  • Funding in 2019/2021 to upgrade roading at entrance Village Car Park
  • Funding in 2018/19 to make the 2 walkways through Kotare Reserve all weather, with appropriate signage and funding in 2019/20 for the walkway to Wigmore end of the beach

Ignored our recommendation.

Write to your local councillors

Upgrade Hahei Water Systems

  • The draft LTP states“Over the first four years of the Long-Term Plan, we will be undertaking investigations into extending existing wastewater and water supply services to unconnected properties in Hahei, Wharekaho, and areas surrounding Thames. These investigations, at a total cost of $1.8M, will inform our projects in future Long-Term Plan”While we appreciate the commitment to spend $1.8M on investigations, the people of Hahei need urgent action. We cannot wait four years, as the draft LPT states, for TCDC to deliver safe drinking water to residents and tourists in Hahei.We request the LTP is revised to state‘TCDC will undertake and investigation in Hahei’s potable water needs, commencing in August 2018, and completed by December 2018. During January, February, March 2019, TCDC will consult with Hahei community on safe potable water options, and based on the outcome of these negotiations, include in TCDC’s Annual Budget for 2019/20 costs for upgrading Hahei’s potable water supply’.

Undertake study in Year 1 of LTP

Monitor progress

Upgrade Hahei Sewage Collection and Treatment Systems

  • The draft LTP states‘Over the first four years of the Long-Term Plan, we will be undertaking investigations into extending existing wastewater and water supply services to unconnected properties in Hahei, Wharekaho, and areas surrounding Thames. These investigations, at a total cost of $1.8M, will inform our projects in future Long-Term Plan’.While we appreciate the commitment to spend $1.8M on investigations, the people of Hahei need urgent action. We cannot wait four years for action to be taken on sewage treatment in Hahei. The existing plant has spare capacity and so at least initially, TCDC should consult with the Hahei community to expand the collection system to the maximum allowable as determined by the existing treatment plant’s capacity. Potentially, this could make a huge difference to the water quality in the Wigmore StreamWhile the expansion of the collection system is occurring, TCDC should undertake the necessary investigation into long term Hahei sewage system and consult with the Hahei Community.We request the LTP is revised to state‘TCDC will undertake and investigation in Hahei’s sewage system and expand the sewage collection system to properties that are either adjacent to the treatment plant or those that will have largest impact on the quality of the Wigmore Stream. This work will be completed during 2019/20. TCDC will also conduct an investigation into the long-term sewerage treatment needs of the Hahei community. The investigation will be completed by March 2019 when TCDC will conduct consultations with the Hahei Community. Following consultation, TCDC will investigate funding options with a view to implement a long-term sewage treatment solution for Hahei from 2020’.

Undertake study in Year 1 of LTP

Monitor progress

Minor Works Management

  • Increase annual funding for Public Convenience renewals, ($80,000), Footpath rehabilitation ($40,000), Footpath construction ($300,000), Parks and Reserves Renewals, ($200,000), and other minor budgets by 50%.
  • Provided detailed list of works that will be funded for the first 3 years of the LTP.
  • Explore alternative funding options.

Various recommendations

Council agreed to allocate the following sums

  • $140,000 per year for reserves minor works and
  • $192,000 per year for reserves renewals
  • $71,000 per year for public convenience renewals
  • $39,000 per year for footpath rehabilitation
  • $278,000 per year for footpath construction.

View Comments

  • When considering an upgrade of the toilets near the Community Center give some thought to how future placement could affect a possible extra exit from the dead end area that contains real estate, restaurant stores etc. Right now in the season traffic jams are caused on Grange Road by folk who try to get into this area while others are exiting. This happens a lot because the parking space if often full and cars go in find there isn't a space have difficulty turning around and then have to leave the way they came in. There is space between the building that houses the gift shop and the wall at the back of the garage and dive shop for an exit road.