Expand Village Car Park to 500+ Capacity
The Village entrance car park is the most important component of the Hahei traffic management plan. It must be ‘Fit for purpose’ and provide:
- A safe environment to accommodate the peak demand of at least 500 vehicles
- Facilities to manage the daily 1,200 to 1,500 people utilising the return bus service and who traverse the village on foot.
- Provide rest and recreation facilities such picnic tables, tourist information, space for Hahei tour operators to collect their clients
We request that the LTP 2019/20 funding of $172,000 for the Hahei Village Car park extension be re-allocated to 2018/19, along with any funding that may be needed to complete the car park.
All that is required is that the redundant overflow wastewater treatment pond, adjacent to the sealed area of the Hahei Visitor car park, is made available as a peak parking area by December 2018 at the latest – levelled, compacted, grassed.
Complete Stage 2 of Hahei Traffic Management Plan
We request that TCDC undertake stage 2 of the Traffic Management plan which includes the parking control of Hahei Beach Road and surrounds. This will generate the parking revenue we require. The draft LTP specifies $190,000 allocated to the Hahei Beach car park and landscaping in 2020/21. We request this is brought forward into 2018/19
Complete Construction of Hahei Visitor Car Park.
A number of minor works are required to complete the construction Visitor Car Park and bring it up to standard. It must provide a great experience for visitors entering Hahei.
Hahei Village Tourist Management Upgrades
See submission for details
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When considering an upgrade of the toilets near the Community Center give some thought to how future placement could affect a possible extra exit from the dead end area that contains real estate, restaurant stores etc. Right now in the season traffic jams are caused on Grange Road by folk who try to get into this area while others are exiting. This happens a lot because the parking space if often full and cars go in find there isn't a space have difficulty turning around and then have to leave the way they came in. There is space between the building that houses the gift shop and the wall at the back of the garage and dive shop for an exit road.