Hahei Parks and Reserves

Parks and Reserves Management Plans

Our community is has 7 designated reserves – Front Beach, Kotare, Margaret Place, Tutaritari, Village Green, Pa Road, and Wigmore East & West.

The use and management of the Reserves is controlled by TCDC in accordance with the Reserves Management Act.   If you wish to read the current detailed TCDC Management Plan, for all reserves in South Mercury Bay, click here MercuryBaySouth Details

Reserve management plans outline TCDC’s general intentions for the use, development, maintenance, protection and preservation of our reserves through a series of objectives and policies.

To help you understand the current key issues covered the management plan for each Reserve, we have provided a summary below. However, we recommend you read the detailed plans.

TCDC plans to update the Mercury Bay Reserve Management Plans in 2020.  Click here to contribute your ideas on how they should be updated.

Hahei Beach Reserve

This reserve is located at the end of Hahei Beach Road and includes the car park. The reserve adjoins a beach front crown reserve administered by DoC. TCDC manages the grass strip and is in process of taking over management of the land administered by DoC.

There are significant archaeological midden sites at this reserve.

  • No accessible access on to beach
  • The car park has become unmanageable with the increase in visitor numbers, exacerbated with long term parking for visitors using the concession activities at this end of the beach. There are traffic management plans being developed for the Carpark off the end of Hahei Beach Road with a pick up/ drop off designation and pay and display.
  • There is a recommendation that the Beach Reserve off Harsant Avenue be designated free parking for residents.
  • The toilet block is old, outdated and inadequate to cope with the numbers of visitors.
  • The public barbecue needs a roof.
  • The reserve needs more seating
  • The reserve needs a dog litter bag dispenser, bike stand and water drinking fountains
  • Traffic Management pay and display in the car park off the end of Hahei Beach Road.
  • Free car parking for residents only in the car park off Harsant Avenue.
  • No more concessions off the beach and limit of number of boats allowed per concession.
  • A major upgrade of the toilets/ changing room facilities.
  • A roof for the barbecue to provide shade and shelter
  • More seating for picnickers and people wanting to sit and enjoy the view
  • A bike stand, dog litter bag dispenser and water fountain
  • To continue concrete path to the toilets, cutting back towards the Pa to provide accessible access on to the beach.
  • Remove water tap for washing feet as often left on and wastes water in summer.
  • Close the carpark in summer and make it drop off only, 5 mins
  • Make it 30mins restricted parking no fees
  • one or two concessions selling coffee etc (Land based only)
  • Plan more trees for shade, and asking why the other trees were cut off recently?
  • More obvious Recycling stations
  • Bigger marine reserve sign and information to explain to visitors the no take rules etc

Village Green

  • These Reserves surround the local community hall site and provide access to surrounding streets
  • The community hall is operated by an incorporated society


  • Mowing maintenance to be more regular
  • Information sign is confusing.
  • This area receives use from a wide range of groups including hall users, play centre, art group, tennis, play structure
  • Carpark has become unmanageable with visitors using it for day parking
  • Toilet facilities are inadequate and outdated to cope with visitor numbers
  • Need for more seating and shade around play structure
  • Traffic Management for the car park
  • Upgrade of public toilet facilities
  • Drinking fountain
  • Bike stand
  • More seating and shade alongside play structure
  • Information sign to replicate signage in Visitor Car Park
  • Signage for and all weather walking track in the north west corner of the reserve to connect Grange Road
  • Concrete scooter track around the tennis courts. as carpark busier and busier, smaller children in village need place to practise biking and scootering – Marie Dickie, and others from playgroup
  • Picnic facilities with shade,
  • Recycling bins by the toilets

Kotare Reserve

  • This land was a golf course before being subdivided into residential lots in the 1980s
  • The Reserve land was set aside to allow for an area for recreation and sport.
  • The sports field and associated toilet / changing facility was established after recommendations from the last Reserve Management Plan.
  • A drainage issue at the entrance off Hahei Beach Road.
  • A range of utility services and a St Johns station are in the main Carpark and there is an open drain separating the Carpark from the sports field, toilets and proposed memorial garden.
  • Work is underway to develop a memorial garden in the NE corner of the Reserve.
  • Kotare Reserve has become a walkway for visitors exiting the village entry Carpark off Pa Road
  • Adjoining properties discharge stormwater on to the reserve
  • No room for bus parking or concession in the car park
  • Signage and all-weather walkways. A line of sight marker for exit on to Michelle Lane.
  • Fix the drainage off Hahei Beach Road to allow for all weather walking.
  • Provide a foot bridge from the Eastern end of the Carpark onto the open area of the Reserve with a path going past the toilet block and on to the memorial garden.
  • Establish clear signage for walkers. Directions to the shops, Cathedral Cove, Hahei Beach and the Pa.
  • Support for the memorial garden.
  • Open the toilet block permanently for public access.
  • Extend car park towards Wigmore Stream
  • Clean up esplanade reserve on the camp boundary so it can be mowed.
  • Skatepark, Jonny Niclaus has looked into this previously, he has a designer, a copy of the application made for the mount Maunganui vert ramp, costings, and has support of Tennis and sports club in the form of Wendy, Liz, Alan Rosoman, Tim Stephens
  • lights for the football field in winter for training. can be attached to the building, can be portable, can be just an all-weather  power point for plugging them in.
  • Football pitch to be mown shorter for soccer in winter.)
  • Drinking fountain  by toilets on reserve,   rubbish and recycling somewhere there as well.

Margaret Place

  • This Reserve provides a scenic view of the Hahei Beach area.
  • There are unmarked burial sites along the foreshore area
  • Access to the reserve is up a steep hill from Margaret Place or via Esplanade Reserves of Wigmore Stream.
  • Access from the beach is not possible due to steep cliffs.
  • The Hahei Reserves group have tried to plant the cliff edge to protect from erosion and as a safety barrier to keep people from the cliff edge as there was a fall several years ago. This has met with some resistance from adjoining property owner.
  • Develop walkway from Margaret Place
  • Maintain weed control on cliff edge and continued planting of low growing species to protect cliff edge and pohutukawas.
  • Install boundary markers to define private property.
  • Develop a walkway along esplanade reserve “ did this happen? what was the actual plan here?
  • “Maintain stream banks with low growing native plants in partnership with Environment Waikato”  where was this to happen? previous RMP mentioned this was to happen and you mentioned was met with


Tutaritari Reserve

This reserve area covers the bottom of a small valley that includes a stream and large pohutukawas

  • Parts of the Reserve can be wet due to overland drainage from surrounding properties.
  • Stream edge needs planting due to erosion from heavy rain
  • Maintain beach access and provide a foot bridge and walkway on the northern boundary of the Reserve to take walkers along and under the pohutukawas to get on to the Cathedral Cove walkway at the Western end of Hahei Beach. This will take walkers off the beach and away from the Dotterel nesting.
  • The walkway from the Reserve up to Tutaritari Road and further on to Grange Road and Cathedral Cove needs good signage and often becomes wet and overgrown.
  • Fix drainage and provide all weather walkway
  • Plant to protect stream edge.
  • Provide a foot bridge across the stream and a walking track on the northern boundary for walkers walking from the end of Beach Road to the Cathedral Cove track off the western end of Hahei Beach.
  • Establish good signage to direct walkers.
  • Regular maintenance of the track up to Tutaritari Road.
  • Signage to direct walkers and all-weather tracks

Ra Road Reserve


  • Reserve hosts a variety of invasive weeds.
  • Encroachment onto road Reserves
  • No development but the encroachment of weeds/ agapanthus need to be cleared from the drains on the road edge.
  • The Hahei Reserves group have planted and maintain the bank road verge.

Wigmore Stream Southern Reserve

  • The Esplanade Reserve begins at Pa Road and follows Wigmore Stream to the beach forming the Esplanade strip for the Margaret Place Reserve.
  • More recently an Esplanade Reserve was created from the bridge on Pa road along the edge of the subdivision at the start of Orchard Road. The Hahei Reserves group have planted the Western side of this reserve adjacent to the sewage plant. This could eventually become a walkway to access the beach from the 100acres subdivision.
  • Restricted parking for local residents for accessing the beach from Wigmore Crescent
  • Walkway access off Pa Rd, muddy and signage inadequate
  • Open drain on the “Sunny Dunny” reserve needs to pipe and filled
  • Encroachment from adjoining property owners.
  • Toilets on the “Sunny Dunny” Reserve are outdated and inadequate to cope with increasing visitor numbers.
  • Stormwater and drainage issues.
  • Signage to direct walkers.
  • Water quality of Wigmore Stream.
  • In consultation with neighbours, explore the possibility of a defined parking area on the reserve on the right before Wigmore Stream bridge
  • Manage encroachment from adjoining properties.
  • Upgrade toilet facilities on the Margaret Place Reserve. Provide a public barbecue, picnic tables and seating, drinking fountain, bike rack.
  • Address drainage issues on Esplanade Reserves and provide all weather walking access with appropriate signage to Hahei Beach and the Pa hill walk.
  • Support initiatives to improve the water quality of Wigmore Stream

Wigmore Stream Northern Reserve

  • These reserves provide access to the beach along the north side of Wigmore Stream from Wigmore Crescent bridge.
  • The sea has eroded the coastal edge of these esplanade reserves.
  • Vehicles, boat trailers, concession holders access the beach alongside Wigmore Stream. Parking on the foreshore area can be an issue during peak visitor periods.
  • The stream can flood in periods of high rain.
  • Encroachment onto Reserve from adjoining properties and poisoning of pohutukawas on the reserve.
  • Water quality of Wigmore Stream
  • Stop encroachment and protect pohutukawas.
  • Limit number of boats for concession holders.
  • Enforce access of vehicles on the beach, e.g. Only for launching and retrieving boats.
  • The Hahei Reserves group have established a safe walkway onto the beach adjacent to the vehicle access.
  • Maintain the Esplanade reserve areas with suitable low natives to protect banks and sand dunes
  • Support endeavours to clean up water quality of the stream.
  • Provide a dog litter bag dispenser at the walking access adjacent to vehicle access
  • Markers on the esplanade reserves to define boundary with private property
  • Stop storm water entering the Wigmore stream from properties.
  • Continue planting of stream banks etc in conjunction with Environment Waikato>? Was this done?