Long Term Plan 2019-2029 Submissions

Over the past few weeks, your committee  worked hard to deliver persuasive LTP submissions to TCDC. They are described below and can be read by clicking on the links provided.

Joint South Mercury Bay Submission

As we worked on our submission, we held discussions with the Hot Water Beach Ratepayers Association and the Mercury Bay South Residents and Ratepayers Association, and it became clear the we had common concerns that effected the whole of South Mercury Bay. For instance, our only access to our area is via Wilson’s Bridge at Dalmeny Corner. Similarly, we are all effected by the proposed Cathedral Coast Walk.  Since we had  common issues, we decided to submit a joint submission. You can read this submission here SouthMercuryLTP Submission Final

Hahei Submission

We also submitted a Hahei focused submission that requests TCDC to address the infrastructure deficit our community faces. This includes better visitor parking and tourist management, the development of Walking Village Concept, and the urgent need to upgrade our water and sewage systems. You can read the Hahei submission here. Hahei Ratepayers LTP Submission

As the LTP develops, we will keep everyone informed.
