No Expansion of Paid Parking at Hot Water Beach

Domain Car Park will not be Paid Parking

We recently noticed TCDC staff had submitted a proposal to make the Domain Car Park at Hot Water Beach paid parking, similar to the main shopping/parking area at Hot Water Beach. You can read TCDC proposal here. TCDC HotWater DomainParking Proposal

We were very surprised to learn of this proposal and wrote a letter to TCDC. You can read our letter here. Hot Water Beach Parking

Along with other concerned residents, we attended the TCDC Mercury Bay Community Board meeting on 7 July 2022. We felt it was very important that TCDC should not proceed with paid parking at one of our most popular beaches. You can view the meeting on TCDC’s website or by clicking here 

We are pleased to report that our Community Board decided NOT to implement paid parking.

The meeting was reported in the Bay of Plenty Times/NZ Herald. Click to here read it 

We would like to thank the Community Board for making the right decision in this case. However, we need better ways of paying for the infrastructure that tourists demand – with an 8.8% increase in rates next year, we need to work with TCDC to propose council cost savings or new revenue sources.


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  • Thank you for your good work. I recently visited Hot water beach and was happy to see that there was access to car parking (though not the main carpark)
    I can't understand why Councils suddenly decide to cash in and make money at popular places. It would dissuade people from visiting.

  • A mix of paid and unpaid options is good. The paid parking at HWB can be considered a small visitor levy. Liitle bits add up. They mean visitor infrastructure can be built and maintained, like the lovely push-button showers, toilets and basins. This is a soft and sustainable visitor model we could roll out across the motu.