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Holiday Season Survival Guide

Be Safe And Considerate This Holiday Season

Hahei will be extra busy this summer as we welcome Kiwis on holiday and visitors from around the world.

We want everyone to have a great time and here are some tips to help everyone have the best summer holiday ever.

  • Don’t light fires and fireworks – there is a total ban on fires in the Coromandel , Click here for details . In Hahei, this applies to the Beach, Parks and Reserves, and private properties. Specifically, no fires, no Chinese Lanterns, and no fireworks. Please respect this ban to protect our community. During previous summer holidays, we have had at least 3 disastrous fires caused by fireworks so please NO FIREWORKS this year.
  • Use the Hahei Visitors Car Park – on most days, there will be room and it is free this year. Its a short walk to the beach, so enjoy the atmosphere and stop at the shops on the way. To make it safer, this year there will be a pedestrian walking strip on Hahei Beach Road from the shops to the beach. Forget about trying to find a park at the Grange Road car park; it is drop off only.  Don’t waste your time joining the 1000’s of other cars making the pointless journey up and down Grange Road.
  • Swim Safely –  Swim in the ocean and avoid the Wigmore Stream and Tutaritari Streams, especially during and after rain. Both streams may be polluted and could cause you to become sick. For the details of water quality in the Wigmore Stream and Tutaritari Stream click here and here. E Coli up to 8000 E Coli/100ml have been recorded recently and and the maximum recommended for swimmable water is 550 E Coli/100ml.   This recommendation applies to your pets too.
  • Love Hahei and be considerate of others. Specifically:
    • Tractor drivers – please think of others trying to enjoy the beach. Don’t park beyond the Wigmore Steps. Also, please respect the bylaw that beach access is restricted to boat launching only. Please don’t take you quad bike or vehicle on the beach.
    • Boaties – please keep your speed to less that 5 knots when you are within 50 metres of a swimmer or 200 meters of the of the shore. Its the law. Click here for details
    • Protect our beautiful Environment – Clean up after your picnic, particularly plastic bags that kill birds and fish. Better still, don’t use plastic bags when shopping – reusable bags are readily available. Remember, all solid waste has to be transported off the Coromandel to landfill.
    •  Park responsibly – a short walk is good for your health, parking like a muppet isn’t!!
    • Surf Life Saving at Hahei and Cathedral Cove –  Hot Water Beach Surf Lifesaving will have lifeguards at both Hahei Beach and at Cathedral Cove for January. Please follow their advice.
    • Emergency Services – Remember: In an emergency, please don’t call a person/people you know locally – they may be having a well-deserved day off. Call 111 and the dispatcher can have help, and backup if needed, mobilised immediately.
  • TCDC Summer Travel Recommendations – Our council has good advice for the whole of the Coromandel. Click here to read it.


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