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Hahei Village Work Program – 2018

Traffic Management

We work with TCDC to improve traffic movements in our village. For example we met with TCDC staff on 31 May 2018 to explain urgent traffic management issues in Hahei. Here is copy of a letter we sent to TCDC recording the issues we discussed. Letter To TCDC Roading Upgrades In Hahei

Here is the current list of items we are working on. If we have missed anything or you have any comments, please tell us.

Grange Road Car Park

Item Details Action Completed to 31 March 2018 Action Planned to 30 June 2019 Status
Drop-off Area Provide safe walkway Drop off/Pick up area to start of Walkway, including bridging drain Awaiting TCDC to action/budget Completed
Pay & Display Sign Sign to advise visitors how and what to pay. Pay here stickers to be installed and sign to be installed on back of existing signage Awaiting response from TCDC staff Completed
Disabled Car Parking Disabled carparks were to be remarked to correct size Disabled carparks will remain at the existing size; with the new fencing installation there is no ability to make these any wider. Should be reviewed. Not Beiing Achieved
Summer Fencing A post and rail fence to be installed for Summer To be completed 5 December
should be on target
Not Beiing Achieved
Bollards to be removed Several on the footpath by bus stop to be removed so that passengers can hop on/off shuttle easily. Sue Costello will discuss this with Gary (Go-Kiwi) Revised but on Schedule
Parking Income Hahei Community would like to know income from parking and fines from September TCDC will provide On Track
Rubbish bins Rubbish bins for car park and Cathedral Cove beach Rubbish bins at the beach are the responsibility of DOC – we understand they have a “pack-in/packout
– The concession holder is required to have rubbish bins for their customers.
– The car park will have increased bins in that area only, over the peak period.
On Track
Visitor Seating Need seating on grass area as walkers wait for bus One seat installed, one to come On Track
Drop off signage Permanent Drop off/Pick up Signage needs Ordered 9 November 2018 Revised but on Schedule
Broken footpath repaired By walkway including bridging drain. Meeting with contractor to look at options in the week commencing 26/11/2018. RFS initiated February 2018 Revised but on Track

Visitor Car Park

# Item Details Current Status
1 Seal repairs throughout car park Several pot holes need repairs Entrance has been done as part of seal repairs to Hahei Beach Road, contractor has been engaged
to undertake the work. Marking will be done after the seal repair
2 Provide Extra Parking for summer Removal of top soil to give more parking space Top soil pile will not be removed – at this stage there is no other place to move it to and moving it is an expensive exercise. It is not suitable for filling the “pond” or spreading out as it is slushy when wet. Plan B needed if car park becomes full.
3 Allow removal of deer fence More space may be needed Due to H&S requirements, the deer fence cannot be removed
4 Tidy up Advertising Concession holders to ensure signage is tidy and not interfering with shuttle passengers Allan Tiplady to email Hahei Business Association
To be completed before Christmas 2018
5 Bus Stop Area to be tidied up Level area where passengers await bus -Drain exposed To be completed prior to Christmas
6 Entrance Gate installation not complete Test, repair, and remove construction fence Contractor is waiting for parts; once parts are received the gate should be open between 7:00am and 7:00pm.
– Options are being considered for a solid fence for around the gate
7 Campervan Signage Campervan area to be marked clearly Campervan signage on the campervan parks will be marked after the seal repairs are completed. Overdue, needed before Christmas
8 Cover drain by Information Board Safety issue There are no simple options for covering the drain as piping it will cause it to block on the corner.
Staff to look at options.
9 Pedestrian Counter by exit to Pa Road Will provide data on how many walk from car park TCDC investigating
10 Car park extension Use of TIF funds To start after Easter 2019
11 Bus Shade cloth Go Kiwi shade cloth/TCDC anchor posts Required for summer/Xmax peak passenger time

Hahei Village

# Item Details Current Status
1 Safe Walkway on Hahei Beach Rd Safe walkway to be installed. Left side Hahei Beach Rd from Grange Rd to Beach. Cones to be installed on corner of Dawn
Avenue & Hahei Beach Road and Harsant Avenue & Hahei Beach Road
Letter sent to Residents, will be installed mid December
2 Campervan Parking restrictions in Village Persuade Campervan drivers to go directly to Visitor Car Park TCDC needs to review of all options
3 Upgrade Walk Signage in Village Install additional signs throughout Hahei to make sure visitors can easily find their way to Cathedral Cove and beach Installed 30 Nov 2018
4 Transfer DoC land at Beach Car Park to TCDC Control Front beach area owned by DoC. Need to transfer management, similar to Grange Rd Car Park, to TCDC so parking can be managed Been in train since December 2017
5 Road verges into Hahei Need tidying up and safer shoulders Awaiting TCDC advice from May
6 Community Centre car park, People parking over yellow lines at the Community Centre car park, blocking parking Car park to be remarked prior to Christmas
7 Three Waters Upgrade Program for LTP investment plan for water and sewage to be finalised Spoke to Bruce Hinson who advised that a consultant was being engaged
8 Storm Water Marking A ratepayer request for better signage for stormwater drains – not enough information provided Follow up with Bruce Hinson
9 TIF Investment Outline design to be developed for review at public meeting in January 2019 Ross Ashby to send date for public meeting.
10 Summer Enforcement TCDC do undertake 2 patrols per day, including early morning Needs urgent review – at least 4 times per day minimum and new p60 outside store not included
11 Parking on Grange Road above Tutaritari Road Needs some form of barrier to prevent parking, improve safety for vehicles coming down Grange Road TCDC asked to review decion not to do anything

Roading in Hahei

# Item Details Current Status
1 Parking Restrictions at Store Install Parking Signs/road markings Scheduled before 20 December
2 Bus Stop at Store Temporary bus stop on Hahei Beach Road Scheduled before 20 December
3 Additional Pedestrian Crossing Pedestrian Crossing near new bus stop Awaiting TCDC advice from May
4 Store Parking Parallel parks outside store to be angle parking Awaiting TCDC advice from May
5 Store Parking on Grange Rd unsafe First car park space on Grange Road by pedestrian crossing to be removed Awaiting TCDC advice from May
6 Indicative Pedestrian Crossing to be upgraded Painted pedestrian crossings on Pa and Grange Rd to be upgraded Awaiting TCDC advice from May
7 Upgrade Road Signage throughout Hahei Needs to be clearer, particularly signs prior to Visitor Car Park Awaiting TCDC advice from May
8 Village Speed Limit Local support to reduce Max Speed to 40k/hr. Under review by TCDC
9 Review Community Centre car park use Consider any time restrictions, use by locals and little by visitors To be reviewd by Hahei community
10 Road verges into Hahei Need tidying up and safer shoulders Awaiting TCDC advice from May
11 Road Signage to Hahei and Cathedral Hahei and Cathedral Cove should be a common destination. The 4 signs from Dalmeny Corner should say same distance for Hahei and Cathedral Cove Awaiting TCDC advice from May
12 Traffic Counters Install Traffic Counters like last summer RFS 936096 logged to request traffic counters as per last year. Verbal confirmation from TCDC
roading that this will be actioned as requested
13 Patricia Place No Parking lines Patricia Place no parking lines to be re-marked, RFS 938102 logged to Roading contractor

Water and Wastewater Management

We work with TCDC to improve water and wastewater in our village. The LTP 2018 – 2028 allocated $1.8m ito investigate options of water and sewage in Hahei and other locations in the Coromandel. Following the approval of the LPT  in June, 2018, we regularly request TCDC start work in Hahei. We now understand that the terms of reference for a consultant will be prepared early 2019. We hope that a consultant will be appointed soon as upgrading both water and wastewater infrastructure in Hahei is very important.

In the meantime, go here for more information. Hahei Sewage Upgrade


  • We are grateful for the work the committee is doing on our behalf. Very heartened that they will look at the sewage system. Will this include outside the designated ‘village’ to include estuary end of the settlement ?

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