Categories: Traffic

Hahei Traffic Management Plan

Hahei Residents and Ratepayers Association has been working with TCDC to develop a plan to improve parking and traffic management in Hahei. It is the subject of ongoing negotiations. However, you can read the current plan here.  Hahei Parking Community BD Paper

There are a lot of details in the plan and we’d really like you to read it closely. Let us know what you think. Here are some key points

  • Control and Management Agreement – DoC has agreed to handover the control of the control of the Grange Rd Car Park and the Hahei Front Beach Car Park to TCDC. This is key first step.
  • Grange Road Car park – This will become a drop-off only park during the summer and a pay and display park during he winter
  • Beach Front Car Park – This will become a pay and display car park all year.
  • On Street Parking – A number of streets have identified where we think that residents only should park. This is subject to a publicly notified consultation process and may be expanded or reduced.
  • Hahei Visitors Car Park –  Once we have implemented the above, the Hahei Visitors Car Park may become pay and display also.
  • Review – There will be regular monitoring and review of the new plan. Adjustments will be made as required.
  • Hahei Village Centre Update – A Village Centre traffic management update group will created to advise on changes to needed in the centre of Hahei.
  • Park and Ride Bus – This will operate from 1 October to 30 April each year, based on demand.
  • Pay and Display Resident Free Parking Permit – All residents will be able obtain a free parking permit so Hahei residents car park in Pay and Display car parks in Hahei and Hot Water Beach.

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