
Hahei Traffic Documentation

As we have worked with TCDC to solve Hahei’s Traffic challenges, we have developed a number of key documents. Here is list for your to download and review. If you have any comments, please post them below.

  1. TCDC initial High Level Traffic Plan for South Mercury Bay. Note – there have been many changes to this plan since  it was presented to the Mercury Bay Community Board in 2016 . Parking Strategy High Level Action Plan
  2. Mercury Bay Community Board Interim Traffic Management Plan. Parking Strategy Attachment A
  3. TCDC Staff prepared a draft plan bylaw options for Hahei. It is subject to review by Council Here it is. Parking Control Bylaw 2014 Changes (Hahei).
  4. HR&RA letter recommended action plan. Letter To TCDC Implementation Of Parking Plan
  5. TCDC held a traffic workshop to  discuss traffic in Hahei. Here is a copy of a presentation providing background information. TCDC Hahei Traffic Workshop May 2018 Presentation