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Hahei Residents and Ratepayers Association
Delivering a Sustainable Hahei for you

The Hahei Resident and Ratepayers Association is a non-profit volunteer organisation whose primary objective is to safeguard, promote and conserve the interests of the Hahei residents and property owners.

We cover the area from Hot Water Beach to the Purangi, as shown the map.

With the rapidly growing number of tourists visiting Hahei, we do our best to find sustainable solutions that work for EVERYONE – bach owners, businesses, rural property owners, visitors – anyone that loves Hahei like we do!

We work closely with Thames Coromandel District Council, Waikato Regional Council, various central goverment departments such Department of Conservation, NZTA, Ministry of Tourism etc.

Our effectiveness is based on your support and ideas.  Please feel free to contact us at anytime.

Hahei Beach Map

The Association Committee for 2023/2024 is:

ChairpersonJohn Jonassen
Vice Chairperson – Brett Harries
SecretaryRobyn Dalzell
Treasurer –  Penne Clayton
Committee Members – Ray van BeynenMaggie Beattie, Maarten Bangma , Dave Pearce

To contact any committee member, simply click on their name.

Email Address:

Facebook page:

Address: 43 Grange Road, RD1 Hahei, Whitianga, 3591

For the 2022 financial year, 1 January to 31 December, we agreed at the AGM that the subscription would remain at $20 per member. With the new Rules, and any Hahei resident or ratepayer can join. This means that if you live or rent property in Hahei you are encouraged to join.

Annual membership includes regular newsletters, voting rights at meetings and the AGM, input on submissions to Council addressing legislation changes. But most importantly, your subscription will be used for ongoing conservation, improvements and enhancement of Hahei village and the associated amenities.

Please send your annual subscription directly to our bank. The account number is  03-1578-0010429-00. When making an internet banking payment, please state your name in “Particulars” and sub “Reference”.

New members can join by downloading Hahei RR Membership Form and emailing it to

The Committee meets on the last Sunday of each month at 3.00 pm. Normally, Committee Meetings are open to the public and are held at the Hahei Community Centre. During COVID pandemic, meetings were held online. However, from Sunday, 29 May every second meeting will again be held at Hahei Community Hall, while the alternative meeting may be held online.

Any Ratepayer or Resident of Hahei is very welcome to attend the meeting. At the start of every Committee Meeting, there is a public forum. This is your opportunity to provide the Committee with suggestions, concerns and input about our community.

Please come and have your say. We want to hear from you.

The AGM is normally held on Easter Saturday, at 10.00 am at the Hahei Community Centre, but for 2022, it will be held at 10.00 am on Saturday 22 October, Labour Weekend.

Priorities for 2023/2024 is the reopening of the Cathedral Cove track and council funding for water and wastewater in the LTP.

Minutes of Meetings







2016 and earlier



HRRA Committee Minutes 28th July 2024.pdf

HBRRA-Committee-MInutes-29-September 2024


Although nor presented at the meeting Ray van Beynen has provided a report on a meeting with Mercury Bay community representatives and Police regarding crime in the area. Report-on-Meeting-re-crime-in-the-area.docx

Association Reference Documents

At the AGM held on 1 April 2018, it was agreed that the Hahei Beach Ratepayers Association name would be changed to Hahei Residents & Ratepayers Association and the Rules would be updated. The new rules can be found here.

Hahei Residents And Ratepayers Association Rules Constitution 2018 Final