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Parks And Reserves

No Expansion of Paid Parking at Hot Water Beach

Domain Car Park will not be Paid Parking

We recently noticed TCDC staff had submitted a proposal to make the Domain Car Park at Hot Water Beach paid parking, similar to the main shopping/parking area at Hot Water Beach. You can read TCDC proposal here. TCDC HotWater DomainParking Proposal

We were very surprised to learn of this proposal and wrote a letter to TCDC. You can read our letter here. Hot Water Beach Parking

Along with other concerned residents, we attended the TCDC Mercury Bay Community Board meeting on 7 July 2022. We felt it was very important that TCDC should not proceed with paid parking at one of our most popular beaches. You can view the meeting on TCDC’s website or by clicking here 

We are pleased to report that our Community Board decided NOT to implement paid parking.

The meeting was reported in the Bay of Plenty Times/NZ Herald. Click to here read it 

We would like to thank the Community Board for making the right decision in this case. However, we need better ways of paying for the infrastructure that tourists demand – with an 8.8% increase in rates next year, we need to work with TCDC to propose council cost savings or new revenue sources.

Skateboard Half Pipe
Plan to Relocate Whitianga Surplus Half Pipe to Kotare Reserve, Hahei

Current Status

We understand Hahei has been selected as TCDC’s preferred location for the surplus Half Pipe. TCDC and our community are working to relocate over winter/spring so it will be operational for summer.

If you have any comments, please post them below


TCDC is upgrading the skate park in Whitianga and has determined that the current skater half pipe is will not be needed in Whitianga. To decide where it should be relocated, TCDC requested communities to submit an Expression of  Interest in the existing Half Pipe.

A number of Hahei residents were interested and a community meeting was arranged to discussed options. You can read the Minutes of Meeting here. Minutes Skateboard Meeting Rev1

At the meeting, there was enthusiastic support to move the Whitianga half pipe in the Kotare reserve near the toilet block.

As there was strong local support at the meeting, we submitted an Expression of Interest (EIO) to relocate the Half Pipe Hahei.. You can download our EIO here. HalfPipe EOIFinal1

TCDC is now evaluating our EIO and if we are successful, the Half Pipe would be relocated to Hahei in the New Year.

If you have any comments, please post them below

Reserves Management Plan Update – Now Finalised

TCDC Approved New Reserves Management Plan for Mercury Bay

Following a review by Mercury Bay Community Board, TCDC Councillors approved the updated Reserves Management Plan for Mercury Bay. You can download the approved Reserves Management Plan here. The plan will operate for the next 10 years, (until 2031).

Surprisingly, TCDC decided to remove any references to concessions on our parks and reserves. We understand TCDC staff advised that since TCDC’s approach to concessions was under review, it was best to have the flexibility to make changes in the future. The number and type of concession on our beaches/reserves is an important issue for everyone in Hahei, so we will be following this matter closely.

HRRA Submitted Comments on Draft Reserve Management Plans

After considerable debate, Hahei Ratepayers and Residents Association has prepared a submission for the Draft TCDC Mercury Bay Reserve Management Plan. You can download it by clicking here Hahei Reserves Submission2020Final

Draft Reserve Management Plans are Ready for Consultation

At TCDC Council Meeting, 15 September 2020, TCDC approved draft Reserve Management Plans for our area. TCDC is now requesting submissions on these plans. You have until 7th December 2020 to comment. For more details, go to the TCDC website by clicking here

Here is the Draft Mercury Bay Reserve Management Plan (all 190 pages), Draft Mercury Bay Reserves Management Plan, that you will be commenting on.

For an overview of Hahei Reserves, click here. Hahei Reserves Map

For detailed management plans, click on the following.

Pre-consultation in Whitianga

Pre-consultation on the Mercury Bay Reserve Management Plan/s was held on 3 July 2020. Two drop-in feedback sessions were held in Whitianga. 53 people attended across the two sessions. A range of feedback was received from the community, and the following themes emerged:

  • Manage vehicles on beaches and reserves, such as tour buses, campervans, boat trailers
  • Define and/or formalise walkways & access points to reserves
  • Better manage concessions and permits on reserve
  • Protect trees (native trees and shade trees)
  • Protect and encourage plantings on dunes and wetland areas to stop erosion
  • Protect bird habitats
  • Work with DOC to address issues on adjoining reserves
  • Maintain open space for recreation
  • Preserve the natural environments within reserves
  • Protect historical and archaeological sites of importance.
  • Control animal and pest plants.

Overall TCDC Reserves Management Plan Update Strategy

TCDC has been progressively updating Reserve Management Plans (RMP) over the past few years. So far, TCDC have completed the following

  • General Policies
  • Coromandel – Colville
  • Thames and Thames Coast
  • Whangamata (Reviewed in 2017)

Further information about TCDC Reserve Management plan updating process can be found by clicking here. 

Update of Mercury Bay Reserve Management Plan

The Mercury Bay RMP was last reviewed in 2007/8 and it is planned to be updated in 2020.

The Reserve Management Plans are very important documents. They determine how each Reserve is developed over the long term, and crucially for Hahei, control how Concession Operators at each Reserve. For instance, they control how many Concessionaires can operate from Reserves adjacent to  Hahei Beach. In addition, the RMP for each reserve will control boat ramp operations, vehicle movements, off-leash dog areas, parties and events etc.

In 2018, TCDC requested the HRRA submit preliminary suggestions for each reserve. Based on numerous discussions with our community, our reserves group submitted this document. Hahei Reserves SubmissionFinal

Pest Control – Bring Back the Birds

Pest Control In Hahei

Have you noticed how the dawn chorus is has become strangely silent? Walk to Cathedral Cove, and how often do you hear a bird sing?

A group of concerned residents, led by Brian Green decided to do something about it. They worked out a plan with DoC to install 50 ? traps in Cathedral Cove and have caught many possums, rats and stoats.

With the success in the Cathedral Cove area, trapping extending through Hahei Village to Wigmore Stream and other areas.

Trap Monitoring – there is a team who regularly check traps.

If you wish to join the team, get in touch with Brian Green or Karen Blair

Hahei Contact Information

In the last month, we have trapped the following:

  • 10 Possums
  • 10 Rats
  • 3 Stoats.

Native pidgeons and Tuis are returning to Hahei to enjoy spring flowers and berries.

This is a great start, but more trapping is needed to sustain the bird population growth!

Pest Control – Bring Back the Birds

Have you noticed how the dawn chorus is has become strangely silent? Walk to Cathedral Cove, and how often do you hear a bird sing?

A group of concerned residents, led by Brian Green decided to do something about it. They worked out a plan with DoC to install 50 ? traps in Cathedral Cove and have caught many possums, rats and stoats.

With the success in the Cathedral Cove area, trapping extending through Hahei Village to Wigmore Stream and other areas.

Trap Monitoring – there is a team who regularly check traps.

If you wish to join the team, get in touch with Brian Green or Karen Blair

Hahei Contact Information

In the last month, we have trapped the following:

  • 10 Possums
  • 10 Rats
  • 3 Stoats.

Native pidgeons and Tuis are returning to Hahei to enjoy spring flowers and berries.

This is a great start, but more trapping is needed to sustain the bird population growth!