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Pest Control – Bring Back the Birds

Pest Control In Hahei

Have you noticed how the dawn chorus is has become strangely silent? Walk to Cathedral Cove, and how often do you hear a bird sing?

A group of concerned residents, led by Brian Green decided to do something about it. They worked out a plan with DoC to install 50 ? traps in Cathedral Cove and have caught many possums, rats and stoats.

With the success in the Cathedral Cove area, trapping extending through Hahei Village to Wigmore Stream and other areas.

Trap Monitoring – there is a team who regularly check traps.

If you wish to join the team, get in touch with Brian Green or Karen Blair

Hahei Contact Information

In the last month, we have trapped the following:

  • 10 Possums
  • 10 Rats
  • 3 Stoats.

Native pidgeons and Tuis are returning to Hahei to enjoy spring flowers and berries.

This is a great start, but more trapping is needed to sustain the bird population growth!


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